Saturday, December 7, 2013


Hello again!

Image from
You were not a true 80's kid if you didn't know the biggest "secret" to operating a Nintendo gaming system. Sure, you could just put the game in and hope that you would see something other than an empty screen but you knew that only happened on days where the video game gods were feeling particularly happy (they were mean, nasty SOB's back in those days). Without thinking, you took that game cartridge, turned the open side toward you and blew your pursed lips across it a few times. That worked a lot of the time, for reasons still unknown to this day. If it didn't work, you tried it as many times as you needed to until it did work. This pleased the gods.

Original NES Gaming Console.
I remember getting a Nintendo as a Christmas gift from my parents as a gift to be shared with my younger brother and sister. Before that, we had played some games on a neighbor's Atari but this was light years ahead of that as far as I was concerned. The first game I really remember playing was the original Super Mario Brothers. Our copy also had Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet on the same cartridge. WCTM worked with the Power Pad which we also got for Christmas. We would shake the shelves in our house, jogging our little hearts out to the finish line with that game.

We had our Nintendo for a long time and eventually upgraded it to a newer version that proved to be slightly less buggy. I kind of miss it. I know video games have come a really long way from 8-bit gaming but the excitement of the new technology that Nintendo brought with it is a feeling of nostalgia that I'm glad to say I got to experience.

Keep leveling up!