Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cassette Tapes/Walkmans

This makes me feel old.
I hate to think of the amount of money my parents had to spend on batteries when I was growing up. My Walkman was probably the most frequently used electronic device in my house, next to the TV. I would put in the cassette tape of my favorite group of the moment and sit on my bed blasting music through my headphones and drown everything else out.

The Walkman
Image from
The Walkman served many purposes. It allowed you full control over your music and it kept your parents from gagging over your selection in said music. It played cassette tapes which made music portable and relatively affordable. The biggest drawback, for me, was always needing to rewind or fast forward to hear the song I wanted to hear. I was so happy the day I got a Walkman that had an automatic "flip" on it to "turn" the tape to the other side when the first side had ended. It was the best invention in my young life.

Of course, CDs came and replaced cassettes and now digital music seems to have almost taken the place of those. It makes me wonder what the next technology will be. I'm sure it will be better than those that have come before, and more convenient. There's always some new technology on the horizon.

Keep rocking!