Friday, December 13, 2013


What comes to mind when you hear the word jellies? Is it this?:

Jars of jelly.
Image from
If you're around my age, you know jellies actually look like this:
Jelly shoes.
Everyone I know when I was younger, owned at least one pair of jellies. These shoes were plastic, made from PVC. They were terrible to wear during the summer (the season most people wore them) because they stuck to your feet and you would end up with dirt patterns on your feet if you wore them outside to play. They were inexpensive to buy so that was a big plus for parents but I don't remember them being particularly sturdy. I remember I wore mine with socks sometimes which was probably similar to wearing socks with flip-flops but it did help with the sticking issue.

Jellies come in different varieties and many colors (some with glitter in them!) and can still be found online and in some stores. If you are really interested, you can look on Amazon. Not my personal preference in footwear but to each their own. :-)

Keep on your toes!