Thursday, October 24, 2013

Draw On

This week's class assignment was threefold (sixfold, actually, if you do the math). We needed to make two each images in three different online programs to demonstrate generative art

I am grateful for an instructor that understands technical difficulties and the stress of a student because this week was the week for me! Whew. I'm just glad to have six pieces to submit that I am pretty pleased with. Not to draw out what could be a very long story, I have an old, cheapy graphics tablet that I was trying to use for The Scribbler Too/Flame Paint images. For some reason when I was using the online programs, they would go "back" to the previous web page and I would lose all of my work. This happened several times before I had to quit for the night. I also saved one image but it saved as something else and I didn't know that until I was uploading everything! It was crazy but I persisted and finished and that's what's important.

Made with Scribbler:
I tried several images and these are the two I liked the most. For the first, I love peace signs and I thought this looked like something off a vintage poster. I wanted to add some dimension to it so I tried my best with that but it's hard when I'm not looking at an object to keep it with the right perspective. The second image was harder than it looks to create since scribbler does not offer an eraser. I would definitely fix a few things if it didn't meant having to redo the entire picture. It is sign language for "I love you" and I actually use it a lot with my boyfriend as it's easier to "say" in a room of people or if we are in a quiet place or when he leaves for work. We're pretty much cheesy like that. LOL. No save feature in this program (ick) so these were screen captured and cropped.

Made with Scribbler Too:
The first image, again, is retro inspired and was created to look similar to tie dye. I played around with settings to find a good balance with the line work on this one. The second image was my experience from hell described earlier. Too much work was put into this but I love it! I thought the program made great spiderwebs and fishnets seemed similar and much sexier. I used an image underneath to trace over all of the lines so I could get the perfect shapes and then I did the shading. Shading was hard in this program, but achievable.

Made with Flame Painter Free:
The first image is supposed to be a faerie holding a flower in a blue flame. The second image is a nod to flowers and I'm kind of in love with it. With the unpredictability of Flame Painter's drawing tool, it was a little hard to draw with any real type of accuracy so that was the difficulty with this for me. I could have just drawn lines and been a little less specific with my drawing but that's not really my style and what I did try ended up just looking like random squiggles and didn't evoke really any type of feeling for me so I went this route.

All in all, this would have been a fun assignment if not for my troubles. I enjoyed Scribbler Too the most because of being able to incorporate other images and all the controls available to vary the look and style of the drawing.

I recommend trying each of these programs, they are all free and good for experimenting with ways you normally wouldn't draw.

Keep calm and draw on!