Thursday, October 31, 2013

Art With Words

Hi everyone.

This week for school we were asked to create typographic and text-based art using a few different online programs. I decided to base my work on some of my favorite things; butterflies, Hello Kitty, and I Love Lucy. These programs were really fun to use. They were all pretty straight forward and easy to navigate but also allowed for some customization which I liked and tried to utilize.

Glass Giant has a lot of cool applications available and for this assignment we used the ASCII Art program. ASCII takes random characters and puts them together to form an image. I tried a few different images but ultimately decided on a simple line drawing I found of Hello Kitty. I made the image in white with black text and black with white text and it was interesting to me how the program used different characters for the same drawing. is another online text-based art program that offers three options for creating an image. I chose a rainbow colored butterfly from freepik for all three to see the differences from one to the next.

The first is HTML which was my favorite of the three. This creates an ASCII type of picture but it can use the color of the image to determine the color of the text print. The best thing was that it lets you choose your own text to form the image. I found a quote about on BrainyQuote that says "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly." (Richard Bach) and I used that for the characters. I also chose a dark purple background since the images in the program stand out better on something dark due to contrast.

The second type of image you can make is with ASCII just like the previous program. For this one, I used the same dark purple background as the HTML image and used white text for contrast.

The third converter available is Matrix which is also an ASCII type of image but this one uses special characters in a bright green color on a black background to look similar to Sci-Fi/Matrix text. It was really easy to use, not much option for customizing due to the specific look of the design.


Tagxedo is a word cloud image creator. It form an image by taking words and laying them out in such a way as to form a picture with certain words having more emphasis depending on the text source. Unlike the other programs, this one has a save feature which was nice. I saved my image as a 2MP PNG file, although it allows for higher quality if desired.

This was by far my favorite program as it allowed for the most customization and experimentation. I started with an image from my favorite episode of I Love Lucy, "Vitameatavegamin" for the shape. I had to edit the picture to remove background and increase the contrast and change the image to black and white so the program would pick up on the lines of the image that I wanted to bring out. Tagxedo will do this for you but I preferred the control I had using Photo Paint (I also had to draw in a few lines to make parts of the drawing stand out a bit more). I also created my own color palate that used red, purple, pink, and black since that seemed to fit my subject the best. For the text itself, I found an online script of the "Vitameatavegamin" episode and used that to create the word list. I also found a font similar to the one for the I Love Lucy heart logo (Savoye LET Plain) and used that. I removed a few words that I didn't want to use and played with the arrangement of the words a few times to get one I liked. I spent a lot of time on this, trying to make sure my image came out recognizable. I really like the end result and am already thinking of other ways I can use this program to create art to hand around my house.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my work this week!

Keep customizing!