Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Walk With My Shoes

I was lucky enough this week to be in the right place at the right time. Right place? Meijer. Right time? Well, I don't remember exactly but it was on Monday. So I decided to meander to the shoe department just for kicks (see what I did there?) and looked through my favorite aisle, the clearance aisle. Because I like to tie everything together with a theme, we will call this 80's pricing. I found a pair of super cute, purple K Swiss shoes in my size marked down from $50 to... ready?... $10! Had to buy them! Did buy them!

Our school assignment this week was to make a "day in the life" slideshow presentation. I could have chosen myself but I'm not big on selfies and it seemed like something most people would do. So I thought and thought about it and finally decided on my new shoes as the subject for this project.

I spent the morning running some errands (UT for a meeting with my advisor, the library to return a movie, Speedway for gas and a drink, and then back home) and document my shoes' adventures. Hope you enjoy!

Stay trendy! (at clearance prices, of course)